Sometimes, actually a lot of times you may feel like you’re falling behind on a set goal you wish to achieve, this is usually because you’ve made something else more important. For example, you may set yourself the goal to excerise everyday for an hour but then you see something good on TV and neglect that goal all together.
My tips on how to set your priorities straight:
First and foremost it is important to determine your values, ask yourself what the most important value is, for example: family, wealth, happiness, spirituality, pleasure, fame, loyalty, integrity etc.
After you've made a list of all the important values to you, keep eliminating the least one from that list until you have the three most important values you hold and then pick the top value from there.
Knowing what is the most important to you will help you on the next stage which is determining the goals you wish to achieve.
So the next step is to make a list of the goals you want to achieve, that is everything you can think of.
After you’ve made that list, number each of the goals, 1, 2 or 3:
1. Must do - Highest priority
2. Should do – Medium priority
3. Want to do –Low priority
When you’ve done that, it is now important to make sure you balance the goals, figure out how much time each goal should take, and don’t spend more time on a lower priority task if you have a higher priority task to do.
Keep organised and on track of what you’re doing.
And lastly, keep focus and don’t give up.
Good Luck! :)