Now that you know the story, I'll be telling you the different ways I dealt with the problems . At first, I didn’t know what to do; in fact I was so depressed that I did my best to avoid talking about it for a long time. I just bottled up my feelings and did everything to avoid anyone at all times, this was the wrong thing to do, I soon realised it as it was making me feel worse not better. My friends and family were starting to notice this as well and it was starting to look like I was being antisocial. It’s true, I was, but it didn’t mean that I didn’t want to talk about it, I just didn’t know how to.
I wanted to let all of my feelings out but I was too scared to. I think I have a problem with that, some people may think I’m being proud when they try to help me and I don’t let them, but the thing is I feel like I’m being a problem for them, a burden, actually. So for a while, this was how I was reacting to the problems I was having. I wasn’t eating properly, wasn’t sleeping well and was just keeping myself to myself. This was the wrong way to go.
As soon as I realised my mistake, I quickly changed my ways. I didn’t want A and B to win. A and B knocked me down but I wasn't staying down for long, I was ready to bounce back up, because I wanted to become a stronger, more confident person. And this is how I did it.
I spoke to my family and friends and told them every little detail about what I was going through, to not feel like a burden I distributed each of the topics I wanted to talk about to different people. Believe me, it feels so good talking out problems, it felt like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
I started eating properly again and started to take care of myself properly. I cannot stress enough how important it is to spend time on yourself every now and again, to pamper and just feel good about yourself. It is such a confident boost when you look and feel good about yourself.
I improved my sleeping pattern (Well, I’m still working on this one) a good night’s sleep is very important, it plays a vital role in promoting physical health, longevity, and emotional well-being.
I started to interact with nature more, fresh air is important and taking random walks in the park is also a lot of fun. Meeting up with friends and family is an instant feel good factor, remembering old memories and talking about the good times is always well… good, I guess. :)
I also learnt that smiling is a huge way to feel better, even if you don’t feel like it do it anyway, it automatically makes you feel better.
Another thing I learnt is to move on, life happens; you learn from mistakes and move on. That whole episode at uni was meant to happen, if it didn’t I wouldn’t be the better person I am today, it was an experience and I've learnt from it. And I have never been happier. :)
So that is how I dealt with the problems I had, I’m still improving but I believe that I’m a lot more cheerful and optimistic about the future now and I am prepared to go through any unwanted obstacles with a positive mind-set. Bring it on…
Wow! Maashaa Allah =)