Fill Up The Happy Tank

posted by Hinna

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Many people are not satisfied with the way they are or what they have, are you?

I have noticed that a lot of people love to complain about how they wish they were doing something better or how they had a successful career or a bigger house or lots of pretty clothes or anything like that. If you’re a culprit to this way of thinking then STOP right there, thank you very much….You need to fill up your happy tank!!

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Thank You :)

posted by Hinna

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I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a massive THANK YOU… woahh that was a little too formal, but anyway thanks a million to all of the readers/subscribers and everyone who has been supporting me on this blog, it means the world to me.

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The start of something new?! PART 2

posted by Hinna

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So I’m assuming that you’ve read my last post on where I have been and what has been going on with me. (Here’s the link, if you haven’t :))

Now that you know the story, I'll be telling you the different ways I dealt with the problems . At first, I didn’t know what to do; in fact I was so depressed that I did my best to avoid talking about it for a long time. I just bottled up my feelings and did everything to avoid anyone at all times, this was the wrong thing to do, I soon realised it as it was making me feel worse not better. My friends and family were starting to notice this as well and it was starting to look like I was being antisocial. It’s true, I was, but it didn’t mean that I didn’t want to talk about it, I just didn’t know how to.

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The start of something new?! PART 1

posted by Hinna

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It has been a tough couple of months for me, I have been character building, finding myself, regaining my confidence and learning how to be a happier and better person. You may ask why have I been feeling so low and what has caused me to be depressed and why I felt the way I have been. Well, it’s been building up for quite a while now, 'll tell you all about what has been going on.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger's Six Secrets to Success Speech

posted by Hinna

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1. Trust yourself
2. Break some rules
3. Don’t be afraid to fail
4. Avoid the naysayers
5. Work hard
6. Give something back

Smile! :)

posted by Hinna

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Having a bad day? Turn that frown upside down and smile!

Here are some of the reasons why you should smile, it:

·         relieves stress
·         is attractive
·         lowers your blood pressure
·         releases endorphins and serotonins (natural feel good drugs)
·         is contagious, so can lighten up a tensed atmosphere
·         shows that you’re a confident person
·         can brighten up another person’s day
·         shows you’re a positive person
·         makes the world a happier place :)

so  SMILE!! :D xx

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." -David Brinkley