Archive for 2012

Fill Up The Happy Tank

posted by Hinna

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Many people are not satisfied with the way they are or what they have, are you?

I have noticed that a lot of people love to complain about how they wish they were doing something better or how they had a successful career or a bigger house or lots of pretty clothes or anything like that. If you’re a culprit to this way of thinking then STOP right there, thank you very much….You need to fill up your happy tank!!

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Thank You :)

posted by Hinna

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I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a massive THANK YOU… woahh that was a little too formal, but anyway thanks a million to all of the readers/subscribers and everyone who has been supporting me on this blog, it means the world to me.

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The start of something new?! PART 2

posted by Hinna

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So I’m assuming that you’ve read my last post on where I have been and what has been going on with me. (Here’s the link, if you haven’t :))

Now that you know the story, I'll be telling you the different ways I dealt with the problems . At first, I didn’t know what to do; in fact I was so depressed that I did my best to avoid talking about it for a long time. I just bottled up my feelings and did everything to avoid anyone at all times, this was the wrong thing to do, I soon realised it as it was making me feel worse not better. My friends and family were starting to notice this as well and it was starting to look like I was being antisocial. It’s true, I was, but it didn’t mean that I didn’t want to talk about it, I just didn’t know how to.

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The start of something new?! PART 1

posted by Hinna

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It has been a tough couple of months for me, I have been character building, finding myself, regaining my confidence and learning how to be a happier and better person. You may ask why have I been feeling so low and what has caused me to be depressed and why I felt the way I have been. Well, it’s been building up for quite a while now, 'll tell you all about what has been going on.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger's Six Secrets to Success Speech

posted by Hinna

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1. Trust yourself
2. Break some rules
3. Don’t be afraid to fail
4. Avoid the naysayers
5. Work hard
6. Give something back

Smile! :)

posted by Hinna

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Having a bad day? Turn that frown upside down and smile!

Here are some of the reasons why you should smile, it:

·         relieves stress
·         is attractive
·         lowers your blood pressure
·         releases endorphins and serotonins (natural feel good drugs)
·         is contagious, so can lighten up a tensed atmosphere
·         shows that you’re a confident person
·         can brighten up another person’s day
·         shows you’re a positive person
·         makes the world a happier place :)

so  SMILE!! :D xx

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." -David Brinkley

Revision Tips

posted by Hinna

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Before I list some pointers on how to revise efficiently I want to say that an examination is a test to see whether you’ve learnt the given content and NOT about memorising.  

1. Find a comfortable place to study

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Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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“To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.”

Note to Self- Be Consistent!

posted by Hinna

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Talent + Passion + Consistency = Success.
Okay so I have a lot of goals in mind that I would love to achieve, such as inspiring people via this blog, completing my novel etc. (Here is a link to my list of goals to do before the end of 2012) The thing is I start with something but I never end up finishing that task, I plan to do something every day, like for example writing in my journal but very often I’m embarrassed to admit I end up

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Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." Muhammad Ali

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction."- Margaret Thatcher

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools." Albert Einstein

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. "- Harvey Fierstein

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." - Charles Darwin

Nick Vujicic- Life Without Limbs

posted by Hinna

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Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest." - Muhammad Ali

Setting Your Priorities Straight

posted by Hinna

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One of the most important skill to have is the ability to set your priorities right. By doing this you’ll be making the most of your time and will also allow you to be more organised. You may be super motivated, inspired, disciplined and determined but if you’re efforts are all over the place none of these attributes will do you any good.

Sometimes, actually a lot of times you may feel like you’re falling behind on a set goal you wish to achieve, this is usually because you’ve made something  else more important.  For example, you may set yourself the goal to excerise everyday for an hour but then you see something good on TV and neglect that goal all together.

My tips on how to set your priorities straight:

First and foremost it is important to determine your values, ask yourself what the most important value is, for example: family, wealth, happiness, spirituality, pleasure, fame, loyalty, integrity etc.  

After you've made a list of all the important values to you, keep eliminating the least one from that list until you have the three most important values you hold and then pick the top value from there.

Knowing what is the most important to you will help you on the next stage which is determining the goals you wish to achieve.

So the next step is to make a list of the goals you want to achieve, that is everything you can think of.

After you’ve made that list, number each of the goals, 1, 2 or 3:

1.       Must do - Highest priority

2.       Should do – Medium priority

3.       Want to do –Low priority

When you’ve done that, it is now important to make sure you balance the goals, figure out how much time each goal should take, and don’t spend more time on a lower priority task if you have a higher priority task to do.

Keep organised and on track of what you’re doing.

And lastly, keep focus and don’t give up.

Good Luck! :)

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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Action is the foundational key to all success.” - Pablo Picasso

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

Stop Procrastinating

posted by Hinna

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Here are my tips on how to stop procrastinating and get the work done.

·         Write down the goal you want to achieve.
·         Make a to do list for this goal, as you complete each task from this list you’ll feel like you’re progressing as you get closer to your goal.
·         Condense the larger tasks to smaller tasks, this will be easier to manage and maintain.
·         Set yourself a deadline and stick to it.
·         Don’t give up and keep trying.
·         If someone else is doing a similar piece of work as you are, share ideas with each other.
·         Give yourself a well-deserved break of 5 minutes after every 30 minutes.

And remember it’s better to do something imperfectly than do nothing perfectly.

Good Luck! :)

Quote Of The Day

posted by Hinna

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"If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful"

Be Inspired in 46 Seconds - Rocky's Speech

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posted by Hinna

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Day 1 of the “I aspire to inspire” blog! :)

I've had an idea that I wanted to start a project like this for a while now, I've stopped  procrastinating and have developed this blog for you, I’m super excited about it and I hope that it’ll benefit  you in anyway possible.

 It  is for when you need a little push to keep going, when you’re feeling low or if you want a pick-me-up, because let’s face it we all have those days now and again.  
I hope to inspire, motivate and influence you in a positive way.

Smile and have an awesome day :)
Peace and Love,
Hinna xoxo